Latinas InspiringYoung Latinas

The 20th Annual Adelante Mujer Conference is an all day celebration focused on inspiring a higher percentage of Latinas to continue their education beyond high school. Hosted by a committee of educators and community members from five districts within the South Bay, the Adelante Mujer Conference will provide various breakout presentations by professional Women who serve as exceptional examples for younger Latinas. The festivities will include a small breakfast, several workshops, lunch and entertainment.

LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Fernanda Read more…
26th Annual YMCA of San Diego County Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Read more…

<p>Los productos de la industria tabacalera siguen siendo la principal causa de muerte prematura en nuestro país. Cobran 443.000 vidas al año. Sin embargo, los gobiernos estatales no han hecho lo suficiente para detener la ofensiva letal de esta industria.</p>
<p>Para los latinos la situación es mucho más alarmante. Debido a que los programas de prevención a nivel local brillan por su ausencia, el problema se ha convertido en una cuestión de la comunidad.</p>

<p>Throughout the year we are constantly surrounded by sweets, between holidays, family gatherings or just another coworker’s birthday at the office. These sweets are usually high in both sugar and fat but there are ways to make your own desserts that are not only healthier, but tasty too! In fact, you may even find that you like the healthy alternatives better! Identify which of the following are true or false to see how much you know about making healthy desserts.</p>
<p>1) If you want to lose weight, you can’t eat dessert.</p>