<p>Next, month Ciudad Juarez’s new historical-cultural gem will celebrate its first anniversary. Built as part of the 2010 Bicentennial/Centennial commemoration of the 1810 War of Independence and 1910 Revolution, the Museum of the Border Revolution (Muref) offers visitors a unique glimpse of Mexico’s early 20th century revolutionary upheaval, especially the strategic role Ciudad Juarez played in events that transformed a nation.</p>

México del Norte Por Jorge Mújica Murias Todo el mundo puede perder Read more…

<p>The U.S. will not meet its 2020 college completion goals without a major contribution from Latinos, who continue to trail Whites in key indicators of higher education attainment, a new study says.</p>
<p>Only 21 percent of Latino adults have at least an associate’s degree compared to 44 percent of Whites and 57 percent of Asian Americans, says Excelencia in Education. Yet Latinos are significantly young-er than the rest of the U.S. population, a powerful demographic incentive to close achievement gaps.</p>