<strong>The Beat Within</strong></p>
<p>When you’re a man sentenced to life in prison, becoming relevant is your only way out. So, for years I’ve aspired to become relevant — relevant in the lives of others, and I have in the lives of many prisoners. However, the fact that I’ve been unable to extend that relevance beyond the prison environment has wreaked havoc on my soul.</p>
<p>I hadn’t fully acknowledged the effects until today. Today, I received the letter.</p>

<p>Hace unas noches estuve viendo el documental “Monique… Behind the bars” que fue filmado en una prisión de alta seguridad solo para mujeres acá en Estados Unidos, la mayoría de las mujeres que se encuentran presas en esa prisión han sido condenadas a cadena perpetua es decir a vivir allí el resto de su vida sin derecho a libertad condicional.</p>

Preliminary Districting Plan On Tuesday, October 29, the Independent Districting Commission approved Read more…

Cuyamaca College’s Coyote Music Festival leaps on stage May 5

A free music festival that is the culmination of a Cuyamaca College course on the music industry will feature nine bands rocking at the grand lawn at the Rancho San Diego college from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 5.
Among the nine bands performing in the all-ages event is an Orange County draw, Railroad to Alaska, a post-grunge/alternative metal group that in 2011 was named Best New Artist at the Orange County Music Awards and in 2012, won kudos as the Best Metal and Best Live Band.