<p align="justify">Oh, Governor Brewer, I look at a photo of you flashing such a sunny smile and I can’t help but think of a song Maya Angelou sings: </p>
<p align="justify">With that smile of yours you could surely put a rainbow in a people’s clouds but you’ve chosen instead, to literally, through a hateful bill called SB1070, turn your hounds on them. Your law gives “the law” the right to stop a range of brown folks, Mexican Americans, Chicanos, Mexicanos – on “reasonable suspicion.”</p>

Encanto supports a two year foreclosure moratorium

The foreclosure crisis has and continues to reap its devastating effects on working class neighborhoods and private single family home ownership in San Diego, California, and all across our nation. Foreclosures on single family homes has already removed some 3.2 trillion dollars of value from the hands of working class families in our nation, and it is estimated that as many as one million more ‘foreclosures’ by the end of this year.


By Rick Najera

I’m sitting having lunch (tortilla soup) at a major network commissary as I observe a mob of Hollywood types having their important lunch meetings. It’s business as usual. But the more I watch, the more I begin to worry. It’s not what I see that disturbs me it’s what I don’t see. And what I don’t see at this studio is diversity.

Where have all the ethnic people gone?

 While the music world was enjoying the Grammies indoors a group of musicans were outdoors protesting the elimination of 31 other categories including: Latin jazz, contemporary jazz, Native American, Zydeco, Cajun, classical, Hawaiian, regional Mexican and world music as well as contemporary bl