<strong>America’s Wire&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p align="justify">WASHINGTON<span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-size: small;">— While achievement levels have improved considerably for minority elementary and middle school students, studies show academic performance among high school age African Americans and Hispanics has fallen to levels not seen in thirty years.</span></span></p>

<p align="justify">By next month Congress must extend the 2012 payroll tax cut to help boost our nation’s economic recovery. In 2011 this tax cut resulted in 122 million American households boosting their take-home-pay worth to the total tune of $120 billion. The extension and expansion of the payroll tax holiday through 2012 would put an average of $1,426 in the pockets of U.S. households and could create more than 1 million new jobs.</p>

México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias

Dicen por ahí que en una competencia siempre que alguien gana alguien también pierde. En otra variante, digamos que cuando hay solamente dos competidores en una competencia, no hay primero y segundo lugar, sino solamente un ganador y un perdedor.

<p align="justify">Long lines snake through the halls at the San Diego Marriot. Women dressed in suits and men wearing ties, all holding on to their resumes and hopes of finding a job.</p>
<p align="justify">This is a job fair with 17 companies and schools, including the army and the Border Patrol, seeking to find new recruits, amongst people looking for a career or a career change.</p>

<p align="justify">Las filas para entrar serpentean por los pasillos del hotel. Las mujeres en traje sastre y hombres de corbata desfilan por entre los puestos de reclutamiento en busca de trabajo.</p>
<p align="justify">Esta es una feria de trabajo en la que 17 empresas y escuelas entre ellas las fuerzas armadas y la Patrulla Fronteriza, que ofrecen oportunidades para jóvenes y viejos en busca de un trabajo una carrera.</p>