<p><span style="font-size: medium;">A remembrance: Fixin’ infertile men the old fashioned way</span></p>

Public Library Continues Its “American Book Discussion” Series in Black History Month Read more…


By Andrew Kordik

For readers of history, it was not shocking when the Arizona Department of Education decided to close Tucson’s Mexican-American Studies program. In a debate on the popular news program Democracy Now!, Superintendent John Huppenthal defended his position, saying, “I want to make sure these students aren’t being indoctrinated . . . what we want to do is create a society in which everybody is working for a better tomorrow, not working to get even.”

<strong>America’s Voice&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p align="justify">MIAMI <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-size: small;">– Ambas campañas prometieron una lucha cuerpo a cuerpo y sin perder tiempo, los precandidatos a la nominación presidencial republicana, Newt Gingrich y Mitt Romney, se lanzaron dardos en su búsqueda del voto latino o más bien cubanoamericano de cara a las primarias republicanas del 31 de enero en Florida.</span></span></p>