Feeling nostalgic: Charger’s looking good so far!

<figure id="attachment_23638" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-23638" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="http://laprensa-sandiego.org/etc-etc-etc/sporting-news/feeling-nostalgi…; rel="attachment wp-att-23638"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-23638" alt="Quarterback Philip Rivers at Charger’s Fanfest. Photo courtesy of San Diego Charger website.." src="/sites/default/files/2013/08/061313trainingcamp620-300x145.jpg" width="300" height="145" srcset="https://dev-laprensa.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/061313t… 300w, https://dev-laprensa.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/061313t… 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-23638" class="wp-caption-text">Quarterback Philip Rivers at Charger’s Fanfest. Photo courtesy of San Diego Charger website..</figcaption></figure>
<p>I had the chance to attend the Chargers Fanfest last week as a “legend” — Legend being that you get to sit in a tent and sign autographs with other old players, in my case my tent was inhabited by myself, Billy Ray Smith and John Carney.</p>
<p>The one hour autograph session wasn’t bad even considering the heat and the reminders of my age –Is 46 really that old or am I kidding myself into thinking I don’t look as bad as some of these other guys?</p>
<p>After the hour of autographs I was able to take my two sons and some of their friends from school onto the field to watch practice-It was my second time this summer seeing a practice and a few things always stick out.</p>
<p>Owner <strong>Dean Spanos</strong> is much nicer to me now than he was when I played.</p>
<p><strong>Larry English</strong> will always be second team no matter how many outside pass –rushers get hurt or sign with other teams. I am guessing the new staff figured out as quickly as the old staff that he is a bust.</p>
<p><strong>King Dunlap</strong>– seemed like the biggest human being I have ever seen when he walked past me onto the field- I felt like the kid from the movie Real Steel when the Robot Zeus entered the arena past him. I really doubt he can be that effective in the NFL of today with the kind of speed that comes off the edge. Being from Philadelphia I am a lifelong Eagles fan- I still can’t shake the visual of Dunlap giving up three sacks in a matter of minutes against the 49’ers. I don’t feel comfortable with him protecting Rivers blind side .Rivers does not flee and move like Michael Vick –Dunlap could prove to be a disaster for the Chargers.</p>
<p>The whole production of the NFL is so much larger than I remember-probably because it is.</p>
<p># 10 second year receiver <strong>Mike Willie</strong> looked strong and caught everything thrown in his direction even when being mugged like a twenty year old blonde Filner Aid.</p>
<p><strong>Manti Te’o</strong> was a lot bigger than I thought he would be and looked ok as long as he wasn’t trying to cover Gates.</p>
<p>There is hardly any full speed physical contact in camp anymore. Before the Collective Bargaining Agreement or CBA –standard camp practice was three times a day-two in full pads (hitting) and one in shorts and shoulder pads. Now it is one practice a day and the most contact you see is between the receivers and corner backs.</p>
<p>I don’t know if it was the nostalgic atmosphere of just the feel of a fresh new beginning but things seemed upbeat and promising around Charger Park. With that I am going to temporarily buy into the local hype, I say local simply because anyone outside of San Diego considers us to be the NFL’s version of a Journeyman at best. ESPN Pre-Season Power Rankings have the Chargers at #22 behind the likes of the Chiefs – Panthers –Dolphins and Buccaneers-on the bright side we are still projected higher than the Raiders at #29</p>
<p>I can still remember the dark days when all that we could hope for was to be higher than the Raiders –let’s hope those days are gone forever.</p>

Burt Grossman