
<p>Let’s take a look at what this whole Bob Filner embarrassment may mean, if anything, to the future of the Chargers staying put in San Diego. I know this is somewhat of a reach, but with the Filner Novela in full swing, pretty much every story has taken a back seat this summer. I am sure much to the pleasure of Sweetwater, Southwestern College and San Ysidro Districts, just to name a few.</p>

<p>Finally it seems like there is some positive movement coming out of Charger Park. It seems that over the last few months all we seemed to read about was the weekly exodus of Charger talent relocating to rivals around the league.</p>
<p>I think the draft was very good for the first time in a long time for the Chargers. Here are a few of the topics that could become important.</p>

<p>The NFL Combine is a yearly passage for all seniors aspiring to be professional football players. Here’s my experience. The Path to Primetime continues at the combine, where more than 300 top prospects will continue on their quest to achieve their NFL dreams. Follow the action Feb. 23-26 on NFL Network.</p>

<p>Well another loss and another year that we are clinging on to straws hoping, praying for some miracle to rescue us from another post season play-off absence.</p>