New Era for the Chargers Starts this Monday

<figure id="attachment_21660" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-21660" style="width: 85px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-21660"><img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-21660 " alt="Grossman" src="; width="85" height="144"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-21660" class="wp-caption-text">Grossman</figcaption></figure>
<p>Well here we are at the start of another “potentially” exciting football season. I felt this way about a few of my other favorite teams last week, one being the Aztecs and their promising season debut under the ever popular sky show. The other was my beloved Pitt Panthers on National television against Florida State. Both turned out as well as say Bob Filner for Mayor or George Bush for President.</p>
<p>Now back to the Chargers – new coach, new General Manager, new players and draft picks that actually play, and dare I say excitement? Granted, I know they were just steam rolled by the 49ers to end the pre-season, not exactly a great momentum builder going into the season opener. But, that was the back-ups that were steamrolled – not the starters – and backups in the NFL get cut or don’t play so who cares how bad they looked.</p>
<p>It’s a new year. I am excited we have been chosen as the Monday night football season opener, so someone besides us here in San Diego must think we have some potential to do great things this year. In my five years here as a player we were never once on Monday Night Football. Come to think of it, we were never even on Sunday Night football. I don’t even think we were on TV at all.</p>
<p>So let’s take a look at this week’s opponent, the Houston Texans. In case you are a casual fan and don’t play fantasy football, or you are from Chula Vista and don’t follow or even acknowledge the existence of any other teams besides the Raiders or the Chargers, here you go. They are very good. They are not the Texans that have been here in the past and were blown out. They are Super Bowl contenders. They are such a solid team that they are still considered Super Bowl contenders with a QB that is about as effective as Charlie Whitehurst as a starter, but he doesn’t need to be.</p>
<p>The Odds makers have the Texans as a four point favorite as of today. So with the standard three point automatic advantage given to the home team, the experts see the Texans as a seven point favorite or essentially a lock to win outright. That, in large part, is due to the fact that the Texans front seven should absolutely dominate the Chargers offensive line.</p>
<p>I hope this doesn’t turn out to be as disappointing an opener as my beloved Aztecs or Pitt but somehow I am getting the gut feeling it is setting up for that. National TV. Monday Night. It all seems too perfect. Regardless of what happens in the opening of this new Charger era, this Monday Night I have made a resolution to lobby the Chargers to change that disco era theme song they play “San Diego Super Chargers”. That song was out dated 20 years ago when I played. I know retro and throw-back are in, but that has been our theme through disco to hair bands to heavy metal to grunge to Rap and on and on…I can’t take it anymore.</p>

Burt Grossman