Fighting Corruption in the Sweetwater School District

<p>It was a crisp night in Chula Vista as El Chavira stood looking out into the city that he calls home, a diverse community of both means and poverty- a landscape that divides not only people of color but also those with, and without, wealth.</p>
<p>Wealth, being the manipulator, El Gran, in terms of power and position and this is where our story begins.</p>
<p>El Chavira is a superhero by all definitions and standards. He fights for the defenseless and champions the rights of those without representation. He is a crusader for the meek and downtrodden, and where you find people like these you will undoubtedly find corruption and malfeasance by those that wield both power and influence and this is where our superhero found himself not too long ago. But let’s start from the beginning.</p>
<p>As I had written, El Chavira was looking out over his community when suddenly he heard the whispers of his Chicanismo, a supernatural voice emanating from within. It told him of the corrupt school board members that were being indicted on corruption charges, taking gifts and campaign contributions and the improper reporting of these same gifts and contributions.</p>
<p>The villains perpetrating these high crimes and misdemeanors happened to be four of the current sitting Sweetwater school district board members: President of the Board, Jim Cartmill (indicted but still presiding over board), Trustee John McCann (not indicted), Trustee Arlie Ricasa (pled guilty and has since resigned), Trustee Pearl Quinones (pled guilty), and Trustee Bertha Lopez (indicted, has not yet resigned). Former board member Greg Sandoval and El Gran Villain, former Sweetwater Superintendent Jesus Gandara (indicted and let go with a $400,000 golden parachute severance package). These were the gang of evildoers that allowed greed to blur their judgment.</p>
<p>So, El Chavira, being a mild mannered teacher by day, knew somewhat, the ins and outs, of his profession and immediately rallied his crusaders in this fight for justice. He rallied them together and formed Citizens for a Better Sweetwater and used this as his vehicle in fighting corruption. With this new vehicle, El Chavira and his crusaders for justice would walk door to door using this crafty weapon of mass information to identify and recall these offenders of children- but in this, our hero would suffer his first defeat. He would soon realize that he wouldn’t be able to gather the number of signatures for his recall petitions’ deadline and that would stall his attempts to bring these evil-doers to justice. He was at a dead end.</p>
<p>El Chavira delved into his crime fighting, all the while contemplating what steps he might take to defeat these people capable of taking from children for their mere self-interests. He would ask himself over and over again, what makes people like this… be.</p>
<p>Where do people like this come from? How do people like this convince themselves to allow greed to blind them from their true aim- our children? How do these people validate to themselves the idea of turning their backs, in essence, on those they were voted into office to help? El Chavira would wrestle with these questions and be left in the dark because the idea of harming children is so alien to men like him any other way of thinking is incomprehensible. I think I had read somewhere in some book that there is no greater sin then he who puts himself before children. May an actual truism ever be spoken?</p>
<p>So, one day, El Chavira dug deep down into his Chicanismo. He knew that the answer lay somewhere in the law of the land and, being a teacher, reached even deeper and pulled out his trusty weapon- research. This weapon allowed El Chavira to identify the truths that would set his victims free and would light the path that must be taken in almost every crime fighting situation. Research is a very powerful tool and El Chavira would use it to its full potential.</p>
<p>After grueling hours of research, he would find a law that would allow for a change in the way school board members are elected. He would unlock a code that could allow for the election of those members to represent each of the communities mapped out over the entire Sweetwater District. California Educational Code 1519c. 750-5195 would ensure that all communities within that district are represented and that money wasn’t the only factor in those elections… you know… the epitome of democracy.</p>
<p>And El Chavira would lead the way!</p>
<p>With his trusty weapon of research and his new vehicle to fight from, El Chavira presented his findings to the San Diego County Board of Education and those very good people ran with it. The entirety of that board recognized our hero’s good work and stood behind him. They called for a vote, and that mere vote would allow for a more democratic voting procedure and would begin the meetings to map out the new districts. I attended the latest of those meetings and it was here that I was able to meet El Chavira.</p>
<p>El Chavira, unmasked, is Gene Chavira, a Sweetwater social science teacher with a kindness to his face that makes him very approachable and easy to talk with and listen to. He is knowledgeable in the Chicano movement but shies away from my more Chicano leanings and, understandably, tells me that this is an economic issue more than a racial one. I want to tell him that American economics are mired in racism but I don’t because who am I to interpret his very unique achievement? Who am I, but a student learning from a teacher of men- a man that practiced instead of preached, then stepped up and hit it out of the park. I am but a mere mortal to his super-human strength and I can only salute and give gratitude to this modern day defender of good against evil.</p>
<p>There are steps that still need to be taken and votes that need to be counted- a waiver to allow this to go to a November election will be announced in May- but you, as citizens of the Sweetwater school district, must become involved. And you can rest assured that there is someone out there watching… waiting for that next foe… waiting to be summoned once more. There is no reward per se. He looks for no recognition. But, in his Chicanismo, our hero lies in wait nonetheless, waiting to be called upon once again.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Citizens, next time you find yourself facing an uphill battle and the monied interests have imbedded themselves in your community: Fear not, good people. Fear not, because you have someone to combat those outside forces- someone that knows what tools need to be utilized in this fight for your children. He is tried and true… he is ever ready… he is…<br>
El Chavira!</p>
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Jacque Del Rio