
<strong>Special to La Prensa</strong></p>
<p>Former president of Costa Rica and current president of global nonprofit the Carbon War Room, Jose Maria Fig-ueres addressed the Clean Energy San Diego event put on by Ygrene Energy Fund, a leading provider of clean energy finance programs for local governments.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Antibiotics, jet travel, the Internet and GPS.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Those are just a few things made possible by military investments that paved the way for mainstream commercial applications benefiting millions of Americans. The same process is going on with the military and renewable energy.&nbsp; And what makes the process today all the more beneficial is the human lives saved and economic gain implementing renewable energy technologies can achieve.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Gone are the Bush administration years when each henhouse —each federal agency— had its own fox —its own regulator— to guard it. From the Department of the Interior, including the National Forest Service, to the Environmental Protection Agency, those who regulated the corresponding industry were their most loyal servants.</p>
<p>Now foxes have been substituted by watchdogs, regulators committed to enforcing the law and protecting our communities from the ravages of environmental degradation.</p>
