
<p>They say that if you tell a mejicano there is no God, he may shrug his shoulders and go about his way.</p>
<p>God forbid you tell him that the Virgen de Guadalupe was merely a Spanish story made-up by los conquistadores to speed-up Catholicism in the New World. Ah, good luck with that.</p>

<p>As we come to the conclusion of the 2012 National Hispanic Heritage Month, America’s second most powerful political personality, said, “The Hispanic population in this country is the most powerful force in American politics.”</p>
<p>Ahem. Perhaps figures like 52 million, 16.7 percent, one-third and 2050 helped nudge VP Joe Biden a tad to utter such a phrase in front of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on a recent evening in D.C.</p>