Dream Act

<p><span style="font-size: medium;" data-mce-mark="1">President Obama’s announcement of a new immigration program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), last June makes 2013 a year of hope for undocumented immigrant youth and young adults. However, a key factor in determining whether their dreams become reality will be their ability to enroll in adult schools and community college programs.</span></p>

<p>In 2010, the average of 16 polls of likely voters in Nevada suggested Sharon Angle had a firm 3 point lead, and 538’s Nate Silver gave her an 83.4% chance of winning. On election night, the results showed Harry Reid with a 5 point win — an 8 point difference from the poll averages. Why the error? Almost every statewide poll in Nevada badly missed the Latino vote. In the final analysis, Reid won close to 90% of the Latino vote, and Latino turnout was much higher than anticipated.</p>

<p>El virtual candidato republicano Mitt Romney presentó a su compañero de fórmula para las elecciones de noviembre, Paul Ryan, al lado del acorazado Wisconsin, en Norfolk, Virginia, como “el próximo presidente de Estados Unidos”.<br>
Por supuesto que el dislate de Romney fue solo eso, un lapsus linguis, en el calor de la emoción de destapar el gallo, que los medios de comunicación ya habían develado en la madrugada del sábado 11 de agosto.</p>