

For football fans this is a great weekend. The Super Bowl, in all its glory, features the New England Patriots versus the New York Giants. We continue to lament the fact that our San Diego Chargers didn’t even make the playoffs. But wait till next year!


We are greatly disappointed to learn about “pay-to-play” corruption and bribery charges associated with the Sweetwater Union High School District. We had supported board member Pearl Quinones in the past based on her integrity. We thought that board member and former assembly candidate Arlie Ricasa was too smart to allow herself to be pulled into this type of scheme. We had heard rumblings about the character of former board member, Greg Sandoval, and were not surprised to learn of the charges.


At times it is hard to believe – here we are starting a New Year. 2012 holds much promise as it appears the economic strain that we have all been living under is slowly easing, there is a bit of relief as we look forward to better days that each New Year promises. This is why we all say Prospero Año Nueva or Happy New Year.