
<p><span style="font-size: small;" data-mce-mark="1">Once millones es el número de personas indocumentados que viven en los Estados Unidos de todas partes del mundo. Esta semana un aliento de esperanza volvió aparecer para muchos inmigrantes que viven en este país ya que tan solo días de la toma del presidente Barack Obama para su segundo mandato la Casa Blanca volvió a retomar el tema de inmigración pero esta vez proponiendo un nuevo proyecto que garantice una reforma Migratoria.</span></p>


We are greatly disappointed to learn about “pay-to-play” corruption and bribery charges associated with the Sweetwater Union High School District. We had supported board member Pearl Quinones in the past based on her integrity. We thought that board member and former assembly candidate Arlie Ricasa was too smart to allow herself to be pulled into this type of scheme. We had heard rumblings about the character of former board member, Greg Sandoval, and were not surprised to learn of the charges.