Out around town

<p><strong>Dear Mexican: One of my pet peeves are Latinos who pronounce their last names with Anglo accents. For example, Rod-driguez instead of Roh-driguez. Would love it if you address this. Personally, I believe we Latinos should educate Anglos on correct pronunciation. </strong><br>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>Gomez the Groper</strong></p>

<h3><strong>Special Year-End Editición</strong></h3>
<p><strong>Dear Readers:</strong> Since it’s the end of the year and the Mexican is on his 18th tamale (made by the mujeres in his family, of course), behold some letters from angry readers (and one fan), along with my answers. Enjoy your champurrado, gracias for a great 2013, and may your 2014 involve more cousins smuggled into los Estados Unidos than ever before!</p>

<p><strong>Dear Mexican: I find myself at odds with my peers because I don’t like coffee or coffee drinks. I need to find a substitute beverage that will be tasty yet somehow hip. I’ve heard that Mexicans have magical chocolate drinks called atole, champurrado, and chocolate, but I don’t know what is in them or what they taste like. Do you have any advice?</strong><br>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>Thirsty in OC</strong></p>