Out around town

<p> <em>Siempre</em>, the wisest words that appear in this column come from <em>ustedes</em>, <em>y</em> the following two <em>cartas </em>prove this maxim. The first one addresses my year-end column, in which a working-class <em>gabacho</em> insisted his people <em>apapachan a</em> Mexicans <em>mucho</em>:</p>

<p><strong></strong><strong> I’m surprised by the choice of the word “amnesty” by those who would demonize immigration reform, especially in the South. Doesn’t the modern well-being of many Southerners derive in some way from their ancestors’ having sworn to amnesty oaths, both before and after the Civil War? Isn’t it being disingenuous to make the “but-my-family-immigrated-legally” argument when your great-great-great-grandparents got amnesty for their own federal faux pas?</strong></p>

<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>SPECIAL YEAR-END EDICION</strong>&nbsp;</span></p>

<p><strong></strong><strong>: I’m an Asian female, and for some time now I’ve been fascinated by the Mexican culture. I find Mexican males to be very attractive. Their food, language and music are just amazing! How much of a chance do I have dating a Mexican <em>hombre</em> if I’m Asian?</strong></p>
<p align="right"><strong>Muchacha China Curiosa</strong>&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>SPECIAL VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE EDITION</strong>&nbsp;</p>

<strong>&nbsp;Dear Mexican: Why oh why do most Mexican women cut their long, black hair after reaching the pivotal age of 40? Not only do they cut it, but they then proceed to cut it short and dye it all shades of the most unnatural hair color for Mexicans: red. My own madre is guilty of this offense and I see it on all the older women of SanTana! Why is this the case? Why do women in Mexico tend keep their long flowing hair and trencitas while women here in the States go for the Bozo look? Please help me with this!</strong></p>