Out around town

&nbsp;<strong>Dear Mexican: Whenever I see an ad for a Mexican ramera, they always describe themselves as “spicy.”&nbsp; Are Mexican women hiding habaneros in their panochas?</strong></p>
<p><strong>Concha Curious<br>

<p>&nbsp;<strong>Dear Readers</strong>: Since the Mexican’s sister is getting married to a good man from Zacatecas this weekend, I must ignore my research archives to slaughter a pig and hire a banda sinaloense. So indulge yourselves in some piratería questions I ripped off from my book, and await my return next semana!</p>
<p><strong>&nbsp;Dear Mexican: Isn’t brown pride a P.C. adoption and morphing of white power?</strong></p>

<strong>&nbsp;Why do Mexicans make the sign of mucho dinero with a gap between their thumb and index fingers, as if holding an imaginary wad of bills between both fingers?</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>El Zorro Chupagringos</strong></p>
<p><strong>&nbsp;Dear Gabacho-Sucking Fox</strong>: Because if a pendejo like you can get the gesture, imagine us normal folks?</p>