Out around town

</strong><p><strong></strong><strong>SPECIAL TWO-LINERS EDITION<br>
&nbsp;<strong>Dear Mexican: A gabacho in the local daily suggested that some of our prisons be outsourced to Mexico to save us some money. What are your thoughts? Would wabs make for good guards looking after homies and white-trash inmates? Have a chew on that taco.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mike the Mick from Missouri<br>

<p><strong>&nbsp;Dear Mexican: Why does El Tri act like pendejos every time the U.S. men’s national soccer team kicks their ass? They won’t even shake hands or exchange jerseys after the game and they always act like the U.S. got lucky with the win, even though the Americans have destroyed Mexico on the pitch this century. I’d be pretty pissed if I gave up a goal to über-pussy Landon Donovan, too, but is there really any need to act like such poor losers after a friendly match?<br>

<p><strong>&nbsp;Dear Mexican: </strong>Why do Mexicans at construction sites always draw a dick and vagina on the interiors of port-a-potties? They sure are not as poetic as they are artistic. Then you got the white boy reply, “Here I sit flexing a…” You should know the rest.</p>
<p>Original Schreck in Houston<br>

</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Dear Mexican: The mainstream media is making big noise of Sonia Sotomayor likely being the first Latina Supreme Court justice, and that all Latinos should be proud. But Puerto Rican ain’t Mexican! The Supreme Court won’t have a shade of brown until a Mexican is among Roberts and Scalia. What does the Mexican think of Sotomayor’s nomination and likely appointment?</strong></p>

<p><strong>Dear Mexican: How can I get Mexicans to arrive to a meeting ON TIME?</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>Punctual Pete</strong></p>
<p><strong>Dear Gabacho:</strong> Tell them you’re offering green cards on a first-come, first-serve basis. And then diles a gabachos to eliminate the concept of arriving “fashionably late” the way they did the Polish joke.</p>