
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Human Rights violation cases are sprawling in Tijuana against military officials and police alike.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The cases include allegations of arbitrary detentions, coerced confessions, torture and even intimidation against those denouncing such abuse.</p>

<p>En Tijuana se están procesando una serie de casos en los que militares y policías son señalados como responsables de violaciones a los derechos humanos, incluyendo casos de tortura, detenciones arbitrarias, confesiones cohercionadas e intimidación contra defensoras de quienes se han atrevido a denunciarlas.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; On March 28, 2008, my “Death by Media” article was published. The article dealt with how the US press had literally scared the pants off of people, and visiting Baja with emphasis on Tijuana, all but stopped. The reports that visitors to Baja were in danger were tremendously exaggerated and overly dramatized was the basis of the “Death by Media.”</p>