Charter High School

<p>The Chula Vista Elementary School District is keeping its promise to communicate better with Silver Wing Elementary parents.</p>
<p>The district has held several information meetings with the community since February when they first learned that a two-story high school would occupy part of the elementary campus. At a recent meeting, parents continued to express reservations about the presence of Chula Vista Learning Center Community Charter high school.</p>

<p>Parents from a south San Diego elementary are claiming that Chula Vista Elementary School District admnistrators left them out of the process of permanently placing a charter high school on the elementary school’s campus.</p>
<p>At a Feb. 26th special meeting the district’s board approved the construction bid for Chula Vista Learning Community Charter High School on Silver Wing Elementary’s campus, something the parents said they had no voice in.</p>

<p>Padres de una primaria en el sur de San Diego están alegando que administradores del Distrito Escolar de Chula Vista los dejaron fuera del proceso de la colocación de una high school tipo charter en el campus de la escuela primaria.</p>
<p>En una junta especial el 26 de febrero la mesa directiva del distrito escolar aprobó el contrato de construcción de la Chula Vista Learning Community Charter High School en el campus de la Silver Wing Elementary, algo que los padres dijeron no tuvieron voz en el asunto.</p>