
Parte I de II
Por Pablo J. Sáinz

Un nuevo libro bellamente ilustrado está dando a San Ysidro el lugar que se merece en la historia de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

San Ysidro and the Tijuana River Valley, parte de la serie Images of America publicada por Arcadia Publishing, cuenta la rica historia del área de San Ysidro a través de más de 200 fotografías históricas, con detalles y comentario de la historiadora y escritora local Barbara Zaragoza.

<p align="justify">It’s never too early to be thinking of Christmas and the attendant celebration that focuses on “Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men.” But it’s always timely to share with those around you the many contributions made to our nation’s cultural, economic and social mainstream by native-born and immigrant Latinos – especially during the holiday season that is supposed to focus on compassion and friendship.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The question that is most often posited during human rights struggles is, “Are We Going to Win?” Early on I would answer with certainty, “yes.” However, today I am cautioned by the words of Alice McGrath, one of the main organizers of the “Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee.”</p>

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<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The respected Pew Hispanic Center in Washington recently released an exhaustive report on Hispanic media. Fine report, great data. The conclusion: “Hispanic media” are doing well – better than English language media in terms of revenues, circulation and number of media companies.</p>