
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Most of us, when we were growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, knew somebody in our neighborhood who was usually, the toughest, the best fighter, the strongest, and the natural leader of neighborhood guys.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We all grudgingly admired him, and felt certain, one day, he would be very important in whatever he did in life.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The French have been so romanticized by Hollywood that most of us carry images of dashing French Foreign Legionnaires fighting in deserts and jungles all over the world.</p>

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Perspective</span></p>
<p>New America Media</p>
<p>&nbsp;November 7 marked 30 years since I won my first police brutality trial in East L.A. After all these years, I have come to understand the meaning of resilience. Equally important, I have come to understand that the attempt to silence me was an act of political violence.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Ya pasaron 199 años desde que inició el movimiento por la Independencia de nuestro país. Desde que somos bebés todos hemos celebrado el día de la Independencia o Grito – como también es conocido – el día 15 de Septiembre de cada año. ¿Pero sabemos por qué? En realidad creo que muchos desconocemos la razón.</p>