<strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>On Thursday (Jan 16), high school students from across California joined with parents and education leaders at the Capitol to push for more accountability in the state’s new school finance law, known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).</p>
<p>After nearly seven hours of testimony, the State Board of Education approved a set of regulations that many say deliver just that.</p>
<p>Walking down any city street, if one looks carefully at the faces of each passerby, you may notice quizzical looks upon some faces. Almost as if they are trying to understand some perplexing problem or dilemma which besets them.</p>
<p>In 2010, California joined 44 other states in adopting the Common Core standards. These new, more rigorous standards call on students to be able to read and understand complex texts, and explain their reasoning through writing and conversation.</p>
<p>La Cónsul General de México en San Diego, Remedio Gómez Arnau, lo repitió varias veces: “La educación es fundamental para tener un mejor futuro”.</p>
<p>Y en verdad esa frase se vuelve realidad en las vidas de los 162 estudiantes que este año recibieron apoyos educativos del Programa IME-BECAS, fundado en el 2005 por el gobierno federal mexicano con el fin de contribuir a elevar los niveles educativos de la población mexicana y de origen mexicano en Estados Unidos.</p>