
<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>The March for California’s Future began in Bakersfield, where hundreds of teachers and education activists rallied to condemn the impact of budget cuts and fee increases on students. As the march now winds it way up California’s San Joaquin Valley, Maria Salgado, an immigrant student in Bakersfield, told her story to David Bacon of how fee increases are denying her the education she’s struggled for years to get.</p>

<p>It began as an ordinary academic presentation. Backed by a power-point, sociologist Alison Newby showed a crowd at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces how more than 400 public and privately-contracted immigrant detention facilities imprison more than 440,000 people,&nbsp; at a cost surpassing $1.7 billion annually to the taxpayers.</p>

<p><strong>Traducido por: Marvin F. Pineda y Xochitl Arellano</strong></p>
<p>California tiene una historia controversial en cuanto a inmigración. Inmigrantes Chinos en California, eran vistos como personas inferiores que no podían asimilarse a la sociedad californiana. Estos sentimientos de los críticos ocasionaron que el Congreso aprobara una serie de leyes incluyendo la ley de 1882 que suspendió la inmigración de trabajadores chinos por 10 años, Chinese Exclusion Act.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>Prominent immigrant advocates launched their most sharply worded public critique yet of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.</p>
<p>Advocates who spoke at a press conference Monday in Washington, D.C. angrily pointed to statistics that showed a significant acceleration in immigration enforcement over President Bush’s last year, with over 387,000 immigrants deported since Obama’s inauguration.</p>

<p>Grupos de defensa a los derechos de los migrantes, se encuentran realizando ya la quinta Marcha Migrante con la cual buscan llamar la atención pública hacia la muerte de migrantes en su intento de cruzar la frontera y la apremiante necesidad de una reforma migratoria justa y humana.</p>