
<p><strong>La Opinión</strong></p>
<p>Not even the most decorated and honorable military service can protect U.S. war veterans from ruthless immigration laws, which consider a long list of non-violent crimes as grounds for deportation.</p>
<p>More and more cases have come to light of veterans who, after serving in this country’s Armed Forces and armed conflicts, get in trouble with the law when they come home and end up in deportation proceedings.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX</strong><strong>, Ariz.</strong> — America’s self-proclaimed “toughest” sheriff Joe Arpaio is facing a grand jury investigation into allegations of abuse of power.</p>
<p>The Maricopa County sheriff has made national headlines because of his immigration sweeps on Latino neighborhoods and a pending investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice into racial profiling allegations.</p>

Autor-Kevin Johnson

Traducido por: Marvin F. Pineda y Jose Cervantes

En el término judicial 2008-2009, la Corte Suprema decidió cuatro casos relacionados a inmigración. Es raro que la corte decida esta cantidad de casos relacionados a inmigración en un término jurídico; esta cantidad de casos indica que el tema de inmigración es importante para la corte como lo es para el público. En las cuatro decisiones, la corte resolvió conflictos de leyes entre diferentes circuitos de cortes de apelación.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>With a national debate on the impact of foreign workers on jobs and the economy heating up for 2010, it’s time to brush up on some relevant policy jargon. Two words in particular – “complementarity” and “circularity” – seem to have caught the attention of experts, as legislators prepare to consider a new immigration reform bill introduced by Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill.</p>