
<p>Tamales and good feelings let’s you know its Christmas in the Heights. Logan Heights has had its unique Christmas traditions through the stages of the American experience. Hard working parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, abuelitos and vecinos all working together to share a little joy for everybody. They started a spirit that insisted on joy for the least to the mighty. All of god’s creations must be welcomed with a special light for children.</p>

<p>Pope Francis has done us all a favor, whether we’re Catholic or not.</p>
<p>In this Christmas season, he has shown the way to a more humane society.</p>
<p>He has certainly earned Time magazine’s Person of the Year commendation.</p>
<p>In his first papal exhortation, he put most leaders in the Western world to shame with his heartfelt message lamenting international hunger and inequality.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Christmas… It is my 71st&nbsp;Christmas and the first one of my life without my Mother who passed on a few weeks ago. I told my brothers in September that she was rapidly deteriorating. Unfortunately I was right.</p>