
Como una organización nacional latina que capacita a las latinas a través de desarrollo de liderazgo, oportunidades de servicio a la comunidad e información, MANA le da la bienvenida al Censo del 2010 y a la llegada de los formularios del censo a todos los hogares en Estados Unidos.


<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>It was when I first stood atop the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico in 1976 that I was finally able to grasp something my parents first communicated to me when I was five years old; that my roots on this continent are not simply Mexican, but both ancient and Indigenous.</p>
<p>My red-brown face should have been enough to teach me this. However, that was not the message I received in school at the time, nor is it the message little red-brown kids receive today.</p>

<p>Scripps Howard Foundation Wire</p>
<p><strong>WASHINGTON</strong> — Representatives of 29 civil rights organizations gathered on Capitol Hill Tuesday to express their opposition to legislation that would require individuals to indicate their citizenship status in the 2010 census.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Simon Rosenberg, president of the liberal Washington think tank NDN, said the amendment put forth by Sens. David Vitter, R-La., and Robert Bennett, R-Utah, will “undoubtedly politicize the census.”</p>