
<p>Let’s face it, thinking about sexually transmitted infections (STI) is something most people like to avoid. But the reality is that each year approximately 19 million new cases occur in the United States. At least one-in-four teenage girls has an STI. By age 25, approximately half of all sexually active young people will get one.</p>
<p>The California Department of Public Health reports that San Diego County has a higher rate of Chlamydia and Syphilis than the state average.</p>

<strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>SEELEY, CA — Until his knee gave out, Ramon Villa Jr. dreamed he’d be a soccer star. Across Seeley’s pitted playing field of dirt and grass, he and his friends would chase the ball through the desert sunset every day after school. Seeley’s de facto town center is that field. With a fire station in one corner, it is as much of a downtown as Seeley’s ever likely to have.</p>

<p align="justify">Una dieta balanceada es muy importante para mantener un peso saludable y una mente sana. Comer vegetales, frutas, carne magra y granos enteros a diario y limitar azucares y comidas altas en grasas, incrementará su energía y le ayudará a sentirse mejor durante el día. Lo mismo aplica para sus hijos, pero sus hijos no consideran la cantidad de porciones de vegetales que son necesarias diariamente. Lo único que quieren comer es algo que les sepa delicioso, esta es la principal razón por la cual necesitan su ayuda.</p>
