
<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX, Ariz. —</strong> The U.S. Supreme Court could decide this month whether to hear a case on the fate of another controversial Arizona law that punishes employers who hire undocumented workers.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Legal experts say it’s hard to predict whether the case would set a precedent for hundreds of other immigration laws being passed by other states.</p>

<p><strong>Editor, Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>A different twist was added to the turbulent immigration reform debate this week. In a conference call with reporters, a network of conservative political activists and evangelical church leaders announced a campaign to push for the legalization of millions of undocumented people in the United States.</p>
<p>“From reading the news, you’d think all conservatives are against the issue, but we know different,” said moderator Juan Hernandez.</p>

<p><strong>Black Voice News</strong></p>
<p>San Bernardino City Unified School District has 11 schools rated among the worst 5 percent in the state. How these so-called failing schools will be treated under America’s new education blueprint sent to Congress on Monday (March 22) illustrates the challenges of boosting student achievement in an era of teacher layoffs, and deep budget cuts.</p>

<p>If anyone thought the inauguration of Barack Obama as president, heralded the end of racism in America, they should look no further than the tea party rallies held this weekend. The racial slogans and the mocking signs show how far we still have to go. Perhaps even more troubling are the economic indicators that show how far the recession is setting back the fragile fortunes of people of color.</p>

México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias

Para estas alturas de la vida, el lector seguramente ya sabe del renovado ímpetu del movimiento por la reforma migratoria. El 21 de marzo marchamos en Washington DC unas 200 mil personas, a la hora en que el congreso seguía hecho bolas con la llamada reforma de salud. La marcha no estuvo nada mal, primera vez que realmente se puede organizar una marcha nacional en la capital del país que realmente valga la pena.

<p>It began as an ordinary academic presentation. Backed by a power-point, sociologist Alison Newby showed a crowd at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces how more than 400 public and privately-contracted immigrant detention facilities imprison more than 440,000 people,&nbsp; at a cost surpassing $1.7 billion annually to the taxpayers.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>With a national debate on the impact of foreign workers on jobs and the economy heating up for 2010, it’s time to brush up on some relevant policy jargon. Two words in particular – “complementarity” and “circularity” – seem to have caught the attention of experts, as legislators prepare to consider a new immigration reform bill introduced by Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Un año como hoy, los periódicos nacionales vislumbraban una nueva era para la Unión Americana. “Es Obama: victoria decisiva que hace historia”, decía </p>
<p>&nbsp;No hay duda, la victoria de Barack Obama fue un momento histórico. Con su llegada al gobierno, la comunidad Latina sintió que “algo” se podía alcanzar en torno a la cuestión migratoria.</p>