
<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Let’s forget about the fact that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker actually inherited a surplus when he took office as governor of Wisconsin. Let’s forget that he got rid of that surplus by giving tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy. And forget for the moment that he is essentially manufacturing this “crisis” in Wisconsin just to stick it to the unions.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Forget all of that for now.</p>


The City of San Diego is in the early stages of redrawing its eight council districts. It is also adding one new district, increasing to nine council districts, as a result of last year’s passage of Prop. D, the strong mayor initiative. Drawing up new districts is not a glamorous nor exciting undertaking, even for political watchers. But the importance to all and in particular to the ethnic communities, redistricting is of extreme importance. The community should pay attention and get involved.


<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After barely a month in office, New Mexico Republican Governor Susana Martinez is at logger-heads with immigrant advocates and organizations. In every corner of the Land of Enchantment, immigrant organizations and their supporters are protesting an executive order signed by Martinez this week that orders New Mexico police to report all arrested undocumented persons to federal immigration authorities.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Reality sometimes comes as a slap awakening the mind forcing a state of awareness. Such was the case when through an exchange of e-mails from a successful aeronautical engineer and community leader who on the surface seemed to be justifiably concerned about illegal immigration, he whopped me with the reality that the issue is not about illegal immigration rather about a growing numbers of certain Hispanics in the U.S.</p>