
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; If there is a silver lining in California Governor Jerry Brown’s latest budget proposal, it is the recognition that we cannot realign state services down to county and local governments or bridge the state’s almost $26 billion budget deficit without sufficient revenues.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The 2010 election represented a historic victory for center-right principles and candidates. Voters across the country responded positively to a message of low taxes, responsible spending and individual freedom, effectively rejecting some of the major policies enacted over the past two years. As we look ahead to a new year brimming with excitement and possibility, we cannot simply rest on the success of 2010; the conservative movement must commit to a long-term outreach strategy to ensure our message is being heard.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Despite millions of gallons of blood spilled in the “War to End all Wars” AKA World War I, few political quotes of that war have survived to this day with one giant exception;</p>