Vote Yes for Prop B and C


These two propositions are linked together. If you are going to vote Yes, you need to vote Yes for both. The same is true if you are voting against the propositions.

These propositions deal with the Barrio Logan Community Plan, a plan that was in the years making and was a compromise between the community and the industrial community and approved by the city council. The deal created a buffer between the residents and the industries, allowing for better living conditions.

Unfortunately the ship repair industry didn’t like the plan and have forced an election that now requires a vote from all the residents of San Diego to either approve it or throw it out.

More than anything this reflects a genterfication of Barrio Logan, a community that has been bisected and dissected by freeways, trolley tracks, train tracks, and polluted upon by the passing traffic, trucks, and all the industrial work in the area. It is a tough place to live and at the same a wonderful place for the families of the area.

The residents of Barrio Logan are slowly, but surely, being squeezed out of their neighborhood and if the football stadium is built in the area this will only hasten this process.

Barrio Logan has a history of being one of the most polluted communities in the State with some of the highest incidents of asthama cases in the city. The Barrio Logan Plan was going to give them a sense of well being, a shot at a better quality of life, and a sense of peace.

The fact that this issue is even on the ballot is an example of the oligarchy of rich and powerful flexing their muscle over a minority dominated, poor, community that doesn’t have the tools or the money to fight back. The supporters of Prop B and C have raised $10,000 dollars, more or less, which is not even enough for one mailer. The opposition will probably spend a million dollars and we have all seen the television commercials already.

In a citywide contest this means that most of the voters will only get one side of the argument from all the television commercials and mailers. Meanwhile the residents of Barrio Logan are hoping that the ballot statement persuades the community to vote Yes.

We encourage our readers to Vote Yes for Prop B and Prop C, and stand with the residents of Barrio Logan and their fight for their right to breath fresh air at home, something that every other resident in San Diego has the right to do.

Vote Yes for Prop B and Prop C.
