

These two propositions are linked together. If you are going to vote Yes, you need to vote Yes for both. The same is true if you are voting against the propositions.

These propositions deal with the Barrio Logan Community Plan, a plan that was in the years making and was a compromise between the community and the industrial community and approved by the city council. The deal created a buffer between the residents and the industries, allowing for better living conditions.


What gives politics a bad name? It is the politicians. A good example of this was just this past week when several Latino elected “leaders” endorsed Nathan Fletcher for mayor! The assumption being that because these are Latino “leaders” Fletcher is the best choice to represent the Hispanic community!

As we read the press release, we found ourselves scratching our heads as we tried to recall exactly what Fletcher has done in the past that would recommend him as the best choice for the Hispanic community. Frankly, we couldn’t come up with much.

Dear “Sister” Gonzalez,

Words cannot express how disappointed I felt to read your message endorsing Nathan Fletcher for Mayor. One would never know by reading your message that just 3 1/2 months ago you served as Secretary-Treasurer of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council.

In one fell swoop, your public endorsement of Nathan Fletcher not only undermines the Labor Council and the progressive coalition you worked hard to build during your tenure with the Labor Council, but it also calls into question your own political judgment and integrity.