<p> Each week, as a good homemaker, Doña Lucia Guerrero goes grocery shopping while trying to save and finding the</p>
<p> Cada semana, como buena ama de casa, Doña Lucía Guerrero hace sus compras del mandado tratando de ahorrar a la vez que conseguir los productos que utiliza para preparar sus deliciosos platillos mexicanos para su familia.</p>
Expo Mexico Emprende comes to Los Angeles seeking to capitalize remittances
For the first time in its history, the Mexican government and 16 state governments will present an Expo designed to offer assistance to Mexicans living outside of Mexico with the necessary tools to capitalize their remittances. The Expo will focus on starting and growing small and medium businesses in order to promote the well being of families while also fostering Mexico’s economic development and creating jobs.
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Major League Baseball’s lack of respect for Latinos</span></p>
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