<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rosa Perea’s 5-year-old son lives an asphyxiating life. If he does not take his medicine every morning or if the air is too polluted, he can end up in the emergency room with an asthma attack.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Perea, director of the Juan Diego Community Center in South Chicago, goes through this tragedy not only at home but also at work. The Center is a community clinic that last year served 19,000 people, mostly low-income Latino asthma patients, and many, many children.</p>


¡No Se Deje!
Por Lic. Jess J. Araujo

    Antonia Lonicki, una empleada de hospital, padeció de tensión severa debido a las condiciones cambiantes del trabajo. Ella le entregó al patrón una nota del doctor que le daba un mes de permiso por “razones médicas”. El patrón la envió al doctor de ellos, quien dijo que la Sra. Lonicki podía regresar al trabajo. Su patrón entonces le ordenó regresar al trabajo. La Sra. Lonicki rehusó regresar al trabajo y su patrón la despidió.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; There isn’t one person reading this who hasn’t seen or heard of the Grammys. You know, the TV show that comes on every February that gives out those gold trophies that are replicas of a vintage gramophone record player in miniature. Getting nominated for one changes one’s career.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; As he was announcing his second increase in troops for Afghanistan in December 2009, President Obama promised that by July 2011 those troops would begin coming home. As relayed by Bob Woodward’s book, ,<em> </em>we know the president was skeptical about the United States’ war effort in Afghanistan. In spite of that skepticism, the president’s new plan for the war extends the longest war in American history for the foreseeable future.</p>