<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In America, anybody who works for a living should be able to afford to retire.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; That’s why shunting newly hired and/or existing civil servants into defined contribution or 401(k)-style plans to save taxpayers money, as a new report by the Kellogg School of Management and the Simon School of Business suggests doing, is a bad idea.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Todos tenemos un gurú que nos guía por la senda del éxito. La historia del filipino José Antonio Vargas es un claro ejemplo de que una persona no alcanza sus metas en forma individual, sino que hay personas a nuestro alrededor quienes nos ayudan a buscar nuestra felicidad.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; States like Arizona, Alabama, Georgia and others are passing laws requiring the use of the federal E-Verify program to check out legality of new workers. They won’t stop there.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The National Identification Cards will look like the California drivers license. It is a plastic card, with color picture, magnetic information strip and holograms. It will be tamper proof, by decree of Governor (fill in the name of your Governor).</p>

<p><strong><span style="font-size: medium;">Special Soccer Edición</span></strong></p>