<p><strong>The Jewish Journal</strong></p>
<p><strong>LOS ANGELES</strong> — On a Shabbat afternoon in February, state Sen. Alex Padilla spoke on a panel at Young Israel of Century City (YICC), the largest Modern Orthodox synagogue in Pico-Robertson. The event was co-organized by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and Padilla knew what message he was expected to deliver. The panel’s trilingual title — “Israel at lo levad! Israel ¡No estás solo! Israel, you are not alone!” — made that clear.</p>


Frontera NorteSur

    Mexico-US border police chiefs were at the top of the news in recent days. In a bitter twist to an almost fairytale story that captured the imagination of the US and Mexican press, the 20-year-old  police chief of a small town in the blood-soaked Juarez Valley, Marisol Valles, fled to the US seeking political asylum last week.

México del Norte Por Jorge Mújica Murias     Llamarle a alguien Chancho, Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Este año la Semana Santa cae bastante tarde (Domingo de Resurrección es el 24 de abril). Así que, a diferencia de años recientes donde ha ocurrido bastante temprano, la Pascua Florida, o Domingo de Pascua, seguramente hará honor a su nombre al ocurrir en medio de la primavera en toda su alegre explosión de vida, luz y color.</p>