<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; 50-million Hispanics in the USA! Faster than a speeding bullet, that’s us…</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; American Hispanics, like famous come–from-behind race horse Silky Sullivan of yesteryear, have sped past the American Black population in numbers, in economics and is rapidly catching up in educational level. By 2050, four decades from now, one in four Americans will have Hispanic backgrounds if nothing less than Hispanic grandparents.</p>

Cooking with the Dutchess: By Hanneke Eerden    Remember I told you in Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Más de 2 mil 500 ciclistas de ambos lados de la frontera participaron el pasado sábado 19 de marzo en la segunda edición del paseo familias “Pedaleando Por una Esperanza de Vida”, organizado por la Fundación Castro Limón (FCL) a beneficio de los niños con cáncer de Baja California.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hours before President Obama was set to land in their country, Salvadorans were listening and reading — and weighing – each statement he made before his historic arrival. From the crowded, tin-roofed shantytowns of Soyapango – one of the most densely populated areas in the hemisphere – to the gigantic gated mansions of the Escalon district in San Salvador, Obama’s words seemed to gain weight with each minute leading up to the arrival of Air Force One.</p>
