México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias

    Hace algunos años, al sur de la frontera de Estados unidos se ubicaba un rancho grandote grandote llamado Foxilandia, gobernado por un rancherote de botas altas y cinto de cuero piteado con hebilla de plata.

The Chula Vista Charitable Foundation Invites Nonprofits to Apply for 2011 Grants

    The Chula Vista Charitable Foundation has released its 2011 Grant Guidelines. The focus for this first grant cycle for The Foundation is Health & Human Services – Access to Care.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The presidential meeting this week between Mexico’s Felipe Calderon and Barack Obama looked from the outside like a hastily arranged exercise in damage control. But while most analysts emphasized the tensions between the neighboring nations going into the meeting, the real crisis behind the visit was the failure of what the two leaders most strongly agree on: the war on drugs south of the border.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In California, the state government currently spends more than $34 billion a year paying private contractors to do jobs that civil servants can perform for half the cost. Another $900 million of taxpayer funds is wasted annually propping up the state’s failed enterprise zone program. Common sense dictates that any proposal to balance the state budget begin here.</p>