<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; During his State of the State address, Jerry Brown alluded to the deep spending cuts ahead as he tries to eliminate California’s $25 billion budget deficit. He also made it clear that the cuts will be much, much worse if voters don’t approve (or aren’t even allowed to vote on) a $12 billion tax extension to fund public schools.</p>


<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After barely a month in office, New Mexico Republican Governor Susana Martinez is at logger-heads with immigrant advocates and organizations. In every corner of the Land of Enchantment, immigrant organizations and their supporters are protesting an executive order signed by Martinez this week that orders New Mexico police to report all arrested undocumented persons to federal immigration authorities.</p>

<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur </strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Violeta Serrano takes a break from haggling with a couple from Seattle over the price of a beach towel. Part of the wave of people that’s gradually drifted from Acapulco to other vacation destinations in Mexico, Serrano runs a curio shop just off Puerto Vallarta’s popular Los Muertos Beach.</p>

México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias

    Por ratos, el debate migratorio se centra en los centavos. Que cuánto producimos, que cuánto costamos, que si somos buenos para la economía y demás. Para poner mis dos centavos en la discusión (o echarle gasolina al fuego, como guste), a’i van unos cuantos numeritos.

Three hours a week, ride it like you stole it First Person: Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Una serie de eventos patrocinados en parte por el Consulado de México llevarán la cultura mexicana por todo el condado de San Diego durante el mes de febrero.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; El jueves 10 de febrero la Universidad de California, San Diego, en La Jolla, tendrá un simposio de todo un día titulado “Mexico Moving Forward” (Mexico Avanzando Hacia Adelante) en el que participaran algunos de los protagonistas más sobresalientes en diversas áreas e industrias en México.</p>