<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In the current debate over immigration there is near unanimous agreement that our system is broken. With Congress currently split by party, one of the shrillest arguments before the American people is over securing our southern border before proceeding with any legislative reform on immigration.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Adding to this debate is Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), who recently wrote an editorial on immigration reform which perpetuates the two troubling notions.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; La discriminación institucional es una cosa del pasado, aunque residuos de esa filosofía social Darvinista empiezan a florecer en algunos estados dominados por la extrema derecha. Tal es el caso de Arizona y otros estados sureños.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Too many women and families cannot afford the health care they need and deserve. Prices are rising even as the economy continues to struggle, and women continue to earn less than men. To make matters worse, new House leadership and Rep. Mike Pence are aggressively pushing a dangerous agenda to take health care away from women.</p>
