<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; El 27 de febrero de 2011 será una fecha memorable para los católicos en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles: toma posesión de&nbsp; la mayor arquidiócesis del país su primer arzobispo hispano.</p>

México del Norte Por Jorge Mújica Murias     “¿Solamente hay 97 blancos Read more…
CalHFA Announces Full Implementation of $2 Billion Effort to Assist Homeowners Struggling Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Affordable health insurance is available for your children, regardless of pre-existing conditions, during open-enrollment</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; March 1, 2011 will be the last day of a critical open-enrollment period for affordable children’s health insurance.</p>


LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Since this is my first article for <em>La Prensa</em>, I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Hanneke Eerden, I’m a Dutch woman, born, raised and still living in The Netherlands (Europe). A small country famous for the tulips, wooden clogs and windmills. But I have to admit, I don’t live in a mill, don’t wear wooden shoes but I do have tulips in my garden!</p>


The City of San Diego is in the early stages of redrawing its eight council districts. It is also adding one new district, increasing to nine council districts, as a result of last year’s passage of Prop. D, the strong mayor initiative. Drawing up new districts is not a glamorous nor exciting undertaking, even for political watchers. But the importance to all and in particular to the ethnic communities, redistricting is of extreme importance. The community should pay attention and get involved.


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Are you clued in to the current slashing and burning going on in Washington, DC? The new Congress is trying to settle on a federal budget that should have been voted on last fall.&nbsp; President Obama unveiled his idea for the next budget on Monday. How do you think they are setting priorities? After all, our federal budget shows what we value, doesn’t it? What we care about as a country? So what does our president’s budget care about?</p>