Let’s see if we got this straight… councilman Ben Hueso first illegally lends his big brothers’ campaign $25,000; then after his big brother loses, Hueso the younger, hires two of the big bros campaign workers at a couple of thousand dollars every two weeks until Hue

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>: I’m thinking of moving to Mexico. I’m a first-generation <em>mexicano</em>. Speaking with my parents about moving, they’re absolutely against it, insisting that it’s violent and that I should be proud of being an American. I’m not looking to lose my American-ness, but just want to add some more <em>mexicano</em> to it. Is there a movement of people of Mexican descent moving to Mexico? </strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Underscoring his tag as the world’s best pound for pound fighter, Filipino ring hero Manny Pacquiao bucked a size disadvantage to outclass Antonio Margarito of Mexico and claim the WBC super welterweight crown, his eighth weight crown, at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Texas Saturday night.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; “I got hurt once, one round, I recovered right away, I really trained hard for this fight. I sacrificed a lot for this fight,” said Pacquiao after the fight.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; En San Diego, el nombre de la señora Gracia Molina de Pick es sinónimo con liderazgo, con servicio comunitario, con educación.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Molina de Pick fundó el Departamento de Estudios Chicanos en San Diego Mesa College en 1969.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; También ha sido una líder en la lucha por los derechos de la mujer en México y Estados Unidos.</p>