<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; On Sept. 11, 2001, my daughter was on her fourth day at Stuyvesant High School, just a couple of blocks off the World Trade Center. She saw the terror and hurt up close. She saw innocent people jumping off the towers to death in panic and desperation.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It’s hardly news that, like Arizona, many states and scores of cities have been looking for ways to drive illegal immigrants out – ordering cops to detain people who can’t show documents verifying their right to be here, passing measures to fine landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and employers who hire them. And there are the Republicans who want to fiddle with the Constitution to deny children born to illegal aliens birthright citizenship.</p>

   Russell Coronado is confused and looking for answers. Coronado announced his move to North County and not sure what to do about his seat on the Chula Vista Elementary School Board.

<p><strong>California</strong><strong> Labor Federation</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Much like her CEO pal Meg “Wall Street” Whitman, GOP Senate candidate “Corporate” Carly Fiorina has been pretending to be a friend to Latinos as of late, in a cynical ploy to garner votes.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The cliché is true. ‘Education is the gateway to opportunity’ has been said so many times that it’s almost an empty expression. But it’s still very true.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Earning an education is the greatest investment a person can make and adhering to that axiom has paid off for million Americans, including myself.</p>
