<p>Whether active duty or retired, military men will continue playing a central role in Mexico’s drug war in 2010. In the northern border state of Coahuila, incoming mayors recently ratified the continuation of former military officers to head police departments in the municipalities of Ciudad Acuna, Piedras Negras, Saltillo, Monclova and Torreon. Colonel Salvador Mendez Cachu, who served as public safety chief in Ciudad Acuna, will now assume the same position in Piedras Negras.</p>

<p>Mi hijo, que tiene 10 años, examina el mapa meteorológico todos los días y le encanta la combinación de predictibilidad (temperaturas más frías en el invierno) e impredecibilidad (50 por ciento de probabilidad de lluvia). Una combinación similar ocurrió este año con la temporada de gripe. Por un lado tenemos la gripe común, que usualmente se intensifica en enero y febrero, y luego prácticamente desaparece durante el verano. Por otro, existe la impredecibilidad de la gripe H1N1 o gripe porcina.</p>

<p>Every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. Haiti’s worst earthquake in over 200 years has taken the lives of tens of thousands and threatens millions more in the aftermath. Out of the darkness of the rubble there must come light.</p>
<p>The forces of nature have devastated the people of Haiti. It is up to us to react and respond.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong>&nbsp;</p>
<p>One year into the Obama presidency, voters in the nation’s biggest minority-majority state are looking at their first minority president with increasing disappointment. According to a new six-language survey released by The Field Poll, popularity for the president is hovering around 56 percent in California.</p>