<p>México del Norte<br>
<p>&nbsp;No cabe duda. La administración de Obama, por no echarle la culpa a Barack solito, está llena de genios. Después de todo, sí hay un lugar para “los ilegales que están aquí” (como dijera el presi hace un par de semanas), y les toca un papel importante en la solución de la crisis.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Not long ago in the Oceanside WalMart, I observed a little 12 or 13 year old Mexican girl, probably a Zapotec Indian from the 3000 of them that live in Oceanside, in the furniture section.</p>

<p>&nbsp;At the end of the 31st annual Hispanic Heritage month, Latinos in the US are still waiting to celebrate a crucial victory —getting rid of the toxic water that poisons so many of our communities. This problem is nationwide, but as far as we are concerned, the situation is much more critical.</p>

 The United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) has scheduled a public meeting of the USIBWC Citizens Forum on Thursday, October 22, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Tijuana Estuary Meeting Room, 301 Caspian Way, Imperial Beach, CA 91932. The meeting will focus on sediment, trash, and sanitation issues affecting the Tijuana River Valley. The purpose of the Citizens Forum is to promote the exchange of information between the USIBWC and the community. 

<p><span style="font-size: small;">Take a look at your Social Security Statement, which comes in the mail about 2 or 3 months before your birthday</span></p>
<p>&nbsp;As Halloween hovers on the horizon, the most frightening prospect for some adults has nothing to do with ghosts or goblins. Rather, it’s their scary lack of preparation when it comes to retirement planning.</p>
<p>&nbsp;We suggest a new activity: fleshing out your financial skeleton. Here are the rules.</p>

<p><span style="font-size: small;">Latinos Most Worried About Getting Sick</span></p>
<p>New America Media</p>
<p>&nbsp;More than seven in 10 Californians say they would roll up their sleeves and get a flu shot if their doctors recommended it, according to a poll released Tuesday by The Field Poll.</p>
<p>&nbsp;But 27 percent say they are unlikely to get a shot, despite medical recommendations.</p>