New America Media</p>
<p>&nbsp;Is immigration reform back?</p>
<p>&nbsp;Hoping to jump-start a major legislative drive on immigration reform in the U.S. Congress, more than 100 pro-reform House Democrats signed a letter reminding President Obama of his administration’s commitment to overhaul immigration.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The letter was clearly meant to nudge the White House toward engaging an issue it has allowed to languish.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Authorities in charge of gun control in the US have long been in the shadows in the international fight against drugs and drug trafficking, but this is rapidly changing under, putting them on a leading role.</p>
<p>&nbsp;While a few years back, gun traffic was rarely thought of as a fueling factor for drug-cartel violence in Mexico, today, authorities area acknowledging a clear link between guns and the streak of violence lived on the streets of border towns like Tijuana.</p>

<p>&nbsp;With the Latino population set to triple by 2050, the already alarming number of cancer diagnoses in the Latino community could rise just as sharply, or even more drastically, according to a new compilation of research.</p>


We need to get back to a simpler way of living.</p>
<p>&nbsp;My Mexican grandparents had a distrust of financial institutions, a tradition of living day-to-day and only buying what they had money for, a reluctance to borrow money and an allergy to credit cards.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Maybe our abuelitas and abuelitos had it right all along.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Spend little.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Live simply.</p>


By Congressman Bob Filner

 As the people of San Diego stare down a $180 million city budget deficit for the next year, some people are again calling for the wholesale privatization of city government in the foolhardy hope that outsourcing public services will save them. Before taking that leap, I urge city leaders to look at the disastrous results of “managed competition” in the federal government.


Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D.

 El presidente Barack Obama se encuentra en una encrucijada en torno al conflicto bélico y a la situación política en Afganistán.

tezzy Hijole! Los Chargers continue to disappoint. The team doesn’t look good, the whole team looks a step slow. Este Indio still on the bandwagon but the team has to turn it around muy pronto.