&nbsp;The American government, in my opinion, contributed to the deaths of my parents by not providing universal health care.</p>
<p>&nbsp;In every other advanced industrial nation, they would have received quality health care as a right.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Here, they did not.</p>
<p>&nbsp;My father first came to this country as an agricultural worker from Mexico during the Bracero Program, and he and my mother settled in the United States legally, with work permits, in the late 1960s.</p>

&nbsp;After thirty years of dutifully cooperating with the census count, and even enthusiastically promoting and organizing for a successful enumeration in 1990 and 2000, I have decided this year to sit it out and not comply with the federal law. I do so very conscious of the implications of such noncooperation and noncompliance, but this is more than just a statement of protest; not a whim nor a lark.</p>

<p>&nbsp;I would make just the opposite argument to Nativo Lopez’ call for undocumented people to abstain from answering the census. Mr. Lopez says, “Their resounding demand is – before you count you must legalize us!” Mr. Lopez seems to have already contacted the undocumented people in the U.S., a task which the census is ready to spend millions of dollars to carry out.</p>

&nbsp;La culpa de todo la tiene el totí (pájaro negro prevalente en Cuba). Este dicho básicamente racista describe la presente situación política en Estados Unidos.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Es imposible que con solo 9 meses en el poder, el primer presidente negro, Barack Obama, sea culpable de la presente situación en que se encuentra el país.</p>