<p>After an unprecedented amount of lab-confirmed flu cases in San Diego County were recorded during the second-to-last week of 2017, the final calendar week of 2017 had even more reported cases and deaths.</p>
<p>According to the County of San Diego’s Health and Human Services’ Influenza Watch, 3,334 lab confirmed cases were registered during the 52nd week of 2017. One week before, 2,338 lab confirmed cases were recorded. Lab-confirmed influenza cases now total 7,314.</p>

<p>Una coalición de organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos ha presentado una queja ante el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional denunciando la separación de familias que llegan a la frontera en búsqueda de asilo político.</p>
<p>El documento presentado el pasado 11 de diciembre ante la Oficina de Derechos y Libertades Civiles cita el caso de 15 individuals, en su mayoría centroamericanos, que han sido separados de sus hijos una vez que se presentan ante autoridades migratorias para solicitar refugio.</p>

<p>A coalition of human rights organizations filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding the separation of families seeking political asylum upon their arrival at the United States border.</p>
<p>The document, filed on Dec. 11 with the Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, lifts up the cases of 15 individuals (mostly Central Americans) who were separated from their family members by U.S. immigration officials shortly after arrival at the U.S. border seeking asylum.</p>

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<p>Terminó un largo 2017, los sucesos nacionales e internacionales son un largo listado de momentos álgidos, críticos, delicados y preocupantes; el balance no es lo bueno que hubiéramos esperado y deseado hace 365 días.</p>